Posted January 31, 2025 at 12:01 am

Comic updates, and a plea for kindness and understanding:

First the comic stuff.  I am still working on stuff. I have been sick lately and
while I have managed to mostly keep up with “Misfile”, I have not had the energy
to progress as quickly as I’d like on “Cassiel’s guide”, which weighs heavily on me.  
Progress is slow but ongoing.  “Darkling bright” is unfortunately on hiatus until I
am in a better place.  

In the next few months I will finally be forced to change my patreon to a monthly
pay structure rather than a per page structure.  I have no idea how much
chaos this will cause.  I have no idea is of by how much this will negatively
affect my already stretched and thinned finances in this worsening economy. I
will do what I can to keep things unaffected, but any help, patreon pledges or
PayPal donations are much appreciated.

Now for the none-comic stuff.  It has been a dreadfully trying month
for me and my community.  It feels like a year.  I have watched my rights
stripped away to applause.  I have literally cried myself sick. I have spoken to
members of the trans community on the brink of suicide and I have watched
things get progressively worse for us since.  I wake up every morning afraid of
what will be inflicted on me from my government.  I go to bed each night
fearing the same. Already plans and futures have been shattered. I was
forced to come ”out” at work, and while things have gone well I have no idea
where things go from here.

All this, and I still consider myself privileged.  I am surrounded by people like me
in much worse places.  I have a supportive family and a supportive network.  
Many people do not.

I would ask at this time that people seek to be kind, particularly to those that
are vulnerable and/or disenfranchised. Listen to people’s lived experiences and
believe them. Treat people with dignity and empathy. Don’t allow people to be
“othered” and vilified to serve politics.  

If you’ve made it to the end of this, thank you.  It’s likely to be a tough and
terrifying four years for many of us.  I hope to provide some enjoyment and
levity through my work and I hope to still be there at the end, or whenever
things get better.

Existence is resistance.  Thank you everyone.  Here is to a better February.