Posted July 15, 2004 at 8:00 pm
OK, I have a little plan.  Who wants to be part of my little plan?  You, over there, you do? Good... Ok.. here it is, my plan.  This is what we are going to do.  This right here [email=feedback@eigoMANGA.com]feedback@eigoMANGA.com[/email] is the e-mail address for Misfile Publisher.  So the plan is that each one of you (that is helping of course) needs to send one (or more) e-mails to them saying how awesome it is that they have picked up Misfile!  The more e-mails that we send them, the fast misfile is printed in its own manga.  Right now the plans are that Misfile will be part of the Rumble Pak. So go out my children and bring forth the fan mail to them!  THANKS! Keep the votes coming!