Posted June 22, 2006 at 8:00 pm
Have you ever stopped and thought "ok this is what I am going to do" so you go off to do it, only to stop and go "what was I going to do?". Well that is me right now. I had this whole rant figured out and now I have no frackin clue what I was going to say. So I will say this:
To everyone who ordered the rumi plush. Sorry!!!! My mailers for the dolls, were shipped to the wrong address so I have nothing to send him out in. Well the 2nd wave of sending him out. Soon I promise you all will have him. For those who have yet to order him. I still have a few left. So buy him up.
Also I finally got all 3 of the Battle Star Galatica Toys. Whoo hoo! Took me a bit, since Wal-Mart always tends to have just the 2.
Finally for all those people who love IRC chat. Here is a funny techno song about an IRC Chat Bot. [url=] Anne the IRC Chat bot[/url] I like the song. Poor Chris has to listen to it over and over again!