Posted August 31, 2006 at 8:00 pm
New month = New Pin! This month, everyone who donated $10 or more to Misfile will get a Vashiel Lapel pin. It's the last of the first set, and next month will be a design that's totally new and different. Thanks to a final push last month, we made enough in August to continue offering pins . Thanks to everyone who donated. With any luck, the forum should be back up today too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If not, you can always hang in the chatroom: [url=http://www.misfile.com/chat/]MISFILE CHAT ROOM[/url] Commissions are also still open. [url=http://www.misfile.com/?menu=commissions]The MISFILE Commissions Studio :-)[/url] MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 4 IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALE!!! That's right, even more Misfile in print. Books 1 and 2 are still available as well. [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/144813]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 1[/url] [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/151424]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 2[/url] [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/201663]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 3[/url] [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/318398]MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 4[/url]