Posted July 27, 2008 at 8:00 pm
Only FOUR MORE DAYS to donate for this month's pin!!! Had a good time at Trinoc-Con on Saturday. I spent most of my day hanging out with Steve Bennett and Peter Prellwitz from “The Angel of Saint Thomas”. [url=http://www.angelofstthomas.com/]The Angel of St. Thomas[/url] Also, I know there an EXTREMELY low chance that I'll actually get my dad's old condo sold this way, but I figured I'd at least put a link to the MLS listing here to see if anyone might know anyone who's interested in a nearly 3000 square foot vacation condo at the beach in Provincetown, Cape Cod. It's a beautiful place and my father did a LOT of work on it to bring it up to it's current state, but regrettably my brother and I cannot afford to keep it. Anyway, here it is: [url= http://ccimls.rapmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Capecod&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=0efBCTDHEWMwiNeD/r9pb5sL0PbZSsHSE2sw1hzNCM8%3D&KeyRid=1&Include_Search_Criteria=]Condo for sale![/url]