Posted August 3, 2008 at 8:00 pm
Some of you may have noticed that Buzz Comics has been down the last week or so. Well, it's back up, and I need your votes again, so if you have the inclination, please vote for Misfile using the button to the right of the comic. Have I mentioned that I hate mowing the lawn. I love having a lawn, and I love having enough property not to be looking in my neighbors windows when I look out of my own, but pushing that dang lawnmower in the dead of summer makes me want to throw up my hands and give up. If I were a rich man, I would break down and buy a rider mower, but it is not yet to be. Also, since my experiment with obscure character pins seems to have worked out last month (as in "we made the donation goal with a non-main character pins for once"), I'm willing to start taking ideas for other pins you may want in the future, so let me know your ideas! Also, I know there an EXTREMELY low chance that I'll actually get my dad's old condo sold this way, but I figured I'd at least put a link to the MLS listing here to see if anyone might know anyone who's interested in a nearly 3000 square foot vacation condo at the beach in Provincetown, Cape Cod. It's a beautiful place and my father did a LOT of work on it to bring it up to it's current state, but regrettably my brother and I cannot afford to keep it. Anyway, here it is: [url= http://ccimls.rapmls.com/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=Capecod&PRGNAME=MLSLogin&ARGUMENT=0efBCTDHEWMwiNeD/r9pb5sL0PbZSsHSE2sw1hzNCM8%3D&KeyRid=1&Include_Search_Criteria=]Condo for sale![/url]