Posted August 18, 2008 at 8:00 pm
Well, it's been an eventful few days... Third was diagnosed with preeclampsia which forced an emergency c-section on Friday, August the 15th, which, coincidentally, was also our forth anniversary. So, that Friday at 5:47, Avery Philip Hazelton was born, six weeks early. I've spent most of the last few days running back and forth from Third's room and the NICU trying to divide my time between both of my sickies. Both of them are doing well, though Third should be home before Avery. Anyway, despite all this, I'm still 6 pages ahead and updates should continue as usual for the foreseeable future. I don't know when I'll be able to get back to my other job at the hobby shop that I just started, unfortunately, but I should be able to keep drawing at a fairly normal pace. I'll keep everyone updated.