Posted February 19, 2009 at 7:00 pm
All is well. Avery got his shots, + a flu shot (something is going around at day cares here). He is 18.5 pounds, and 26 inches. And here is the kicker, his head jumped in %tile again. He has a HUGE head. Dr thinks nothing is really wrong, as he is responding to all cues, and he is where he should be. But since his head is so big, we have to take him to the hospital for a ultrasound of his noggin, just to make sure all is ok.
Again dr. is doing this by the book. He thinks Avery is fine, especially since his dad has a HUGE head. Now we wait to hear when we head over to the hospital for the U/S.
Other than that, I am looking at new car seats, he is about to outgrow the one he got in Aug. Damn these things are pricey, at least they last till 65 pounds. Well the one I want to get him does. Its only $300+ dollars. OUCH! Guess it will have to wait, we need to pay the power bill 1st. Hopefully Avery slows down weight wise so I have some more time to get some $$ for his car seat. We have 2 cars, but at those prices we can only get one.