Posted July 7, 2009 at 8:00 pm
I took most of my Monday to FINALLY finish up my work on getting Misfile #9 into print. I ordered my preview copy and once I get it and make sure it looks ok I'll put it up for sale in the Misfile store. Of course, then I still have to move right onto #10. Bother... Just wanted to let everyone know some more details about my upcoming San Diego Comic-Con appearance. I'll be at the 910 CMX table, which is small press table A4, or so I'm told. Commissions are currently OPEN! [url=http://www.misfile.com/?menu=commissions]The MISFILE Commissions Studio :-)[/url] DAYS THAT MY 2ND QUARTER ROYALTIES FROM WOWIO/PLATINUM STUDIOS (Over $7000) ARE OVERDUE: 334 AND STILL COUNTING!!! WHERE IS MY MONEY, WOWIO?!