Posted August 18, 2009 at 8:00 pm
We had Avery's first birthday party on Saturday. It was nice. Plus my grandmother got to see him for the first time, which was cool. I also got a long letter from Wowio. Apparently Platinum realized it was basically never going to be able to pay the royalties for quarter 2, and they've sold off Wowio again after having never lived up to the promises to the artists made when they acquired the company. The new owners have said that they will now give us a date by which we should be paid... Never mind the fact that the original contract stipulated that we should have been paid, oh, I don't know, OVER A YEAR AGO! Anyway, they say we should know soon, but forgive me for not holding my breath. I can just hope that this new owner is less pathetic than Platinum. [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/misfile---book-9---created-by-chris-hazelton/6205375]AT LONG LAST! MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 9 IS FINALLY AVAILABLE IN PRINT!!![/url] TIME THAT MY 2ND QUARTER ROYALTIES FROM WOWIO (Over $7000) ARE OVERDUE: ONE FULL YEAR AND 8 DAYS AND STILL COUNTING!!! WHERE IS MY MONEY, WOWIO?! (Oh, and Platinum, don't think you get off the hook for selling off your obligations without paying me. You guys are still assholes...)