Posted December 31, 2009 at 7:00 pm
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's both a new year AND a new month, so per usual, there is a new pin. Since I won't be home at midnight to change out the pin image, it will be a few hours before I have the new one up there, but trust me, there is a new pin for January. Oh, yeah, if you didn't notice, we're on a new book. I'm now two books behind in getting out the paper versions. I'm just totally swamped these days. I need a vacation... [url=http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/misfile---book-9---created-by-chris-hazelton/6205375]AT LONG LAST! MISFILE GRAPHIC NOVEL 9 IS FINALLY AVAILABLE IN PRINT!!![/url]