Posted February 13, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Half way through the month. still around one quarter of the goal. Happy Valentines Day... You know, if you're into that sort of thing. As a dorky kid I always found Valentines Day depressing growing up. Now that I'm married I find it an unsettlingly corporate obligation to spend money. Given that every gesture made on February 14th is effectively obligatory, it lessens the romantic nature of any said gesture in turn. It's like an apology forced from a child by a parent. It's there, but it lacks all sincerity. This, ironically, makes Valentines Day the least romantic day of the year. In short, make those gestures, but save them for another day when they will have more meaning. Commissions are OPEN! [url=http://www.misfile.com/?menu=commissions]Commissions are OPEN[/url] If you want to subscribe to my twitter account you can do so here: [url=http://twitter.com/#!/misfilecomic]Misfile Twitter Page[/url]