Posted September 30, 2014 at 8:00 pm
Big News Day! First, it’s a new month, so happy October. That normally means a new pin, but it’s slightly different this month. In October we’re giving out Celestial Filing Depot unit patches for the depot’s fifth branch (where Rumisiel works) for any donation through paypal that comes in at $10 or more. Yes, we ship internationally. No, we don’t charge more for that.
Also, per many peoples’ suggestions I’ve started a Patreon page for Misfile. If you’ve wanted to pledge, but aren’t interested in the pin thing, or don’t want to send $10 chunks, you can place a “per page” donation on Patreon; a quarter, a nickel, as little as a penny per page. When it reaches a threshold, I’ll start throwing in a, extra Saturday update per month as an incentive. Please note that this is completely separate from the paypal/bonus pin donations.
Really glad September is over. Really hoping October is better for me all around. (Keeping fingers crossed).