Posted October 21, 2020 at 12:01 am
Busted my ass last mon-fri fixing up a deck with holes rotten through it. It's not finished, but it IS safe now.
My hands have nearly healed.
My wallet, however, has the proverbial moths flying from it, as repairs have cost me over $2000 so far and I still have about 1/3 left to go.
Anyway, as such, I want to offer some sort of incentive to get commissions, which you could use for Christmas anyway.
I'll make the backgrounds free for now.
In addition I'll point out that there are no longer any concrete limitations on what I'll take as commissions (I'll still draw the line somewhere, but it's now subjective, not mapped out). So if you've had a hankering, it may incur a surcharge, but I'll probably draw it.
I'm also currently looking for a second job to make ends meet, so hopefully that pans out as well, but it's not exactly a good time to be looking.


You can order it HERE (Misfile - Hell High Book 3)

Commissions are back open again and I'm resuming work on "The House With Claws" TODAY!

My last game "The eternal Placement Test" is now available via for $5.  You can get it here:

I also have many books and movies available on Amazon here:

Misfile Stuff on Amazon

Hell High book 1

Misfile Film/TV Pilot