Posted August 18, 2015 at 8:00 pm
Bit of a rant today. I feel like I've aged a decade since I turned 39 in January. All of a sudden this year I'm grayer than ever, My tailbone hurts when I sit, my back hurts when I stand, my ankle hurts when I walk or move it the wrong way. My old high school got torn down this summer. I'm more of a hermit than ever and when I do get the idea to go out half the time it ends in little more than "why bother". Meanwhile the closer Misfile gets the end the less convinced I am that I'll come up with anything to replace it that you'll all want to read. I'm not entirely sure half of you like what I write now half the time. I'm probably going to have to trade my car in for a minivan sometime this year. My car isn't much, but at least it's more fun to drive than a minivan, and probably the last straight up "car" I'm likely to own. Really hope things are looking up by my next birthday (yes, I'm giving it time).